PPWD walk the walk as well as talk the talk, and we take our CPD seriously. Below are examples of where we continue to maintain our expertise and reflect on where we need to improve

British Bobsleigh & Skeleton Push Track Champs 2023


As sponsors of the BBSA 2023 Push Track Champs, PPWD took the opportunity to talk to and learn from elite athletes and coaches as well as run our July CPD out of the BBSA Offices on the University of Bath campus.

We took the opportunity to balance our CPD between team walks, where we debated and discussed what Compassionate safety really meant, and time in front of every fuller whiteboards as we planned out the battle plans for the next 12 months!

Inspired by the surrounding and amazing people, this is where much of the work that you see on this website - particularly the Values, Mission and Vision - started to become more concrete in our minds.


Professor Steve Peters' Chimp Management Christmas Conference 2023

We have been fans of Professor Steve Peters' work around mental models and how they can help people deliver high performance in safety-critical industries and this Christmas Conference gave us the perfect opportunity to engage with Steve's work, come together as a team, and listen and learn to others ideas.

It also gave us the opportunity to break out our Christmas Jumpers!


Chimp Square

PPWD Induction Course - January 2024

As a deliberate decision to grow PPWD's capabilities, we combined CPD with our first PPWD Induction Course (PIC), where we welcomed a group of potential PPWD facilitators to hear their views on, and debate, Compassionate Safety.

The PIC was run over a 3-day period, based out of the Running Hare Cottages, Norfolk, which provided an opportunity for a communal experience where we cooked, ate, walked and learned together.

Gaining insights from people with different perspectives is essential to what we do, and we know that our new facilitators will add more to PPWD and our clients than we can ever provide to them.

Contact us to find out more